Author: Ifa

Is Your Problem Beyond Medical Explanation? Are you struggling with an issue that defies medical logic? 🤔”Consider a Spiritual Solution_”

Sometimes, the root cause of our problems lies beyond the physical realm. Our spiritual solutions can help you:

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Spiritual significant of vulture

Spiritual significant of vultureThe Vulture is a promise that all hardship was temporary and necessary for a higher purpose.  Once a Vulture enters your life as a totem or guide, it will remain with you for life.Vultures live and work together, both in cooperation and friendliness. They communicate with friends and neighbors when they find something…

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Many people have been used in 2023

Many people have been used in 2023 Have done a lots of consultation for a lot of people in this year and We have come to see that a lot have been used .Many have been used by their Family member who is rich and would never help them no matter how much they tried,…

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The word YORUBA and it’s long history

THE NAME ‘YORUBA’ by Professor Stephen Akintoye A curious debate is going on about the group name of the Yoruba nation, the name ‘Yoruba’. All sorts of strange and fanciful things are being said about this name. Also, many people are calling on me to intervene in the debate. I therefore hereby intervene. But I…

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Vulture and other Orisa

Vulture and other Orisa  Although a repulsive-looking and bad-smelling bird, the vulture has long been held in high regard by ancient cultures. Vulture claws were said to detect poisons in food and drink. This bird was considered to be prophetic, knowing beforehand the site of battles. The vulture has been associated with the Great Mother for thousands of…

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Seeking an Authentic Ifa Òrìshà Reading from

Introduction Are you seeking guidance, wisdom, and insights from the ancient tradition of Ifa Òrìshà? Look no further than, your trusted source for authentic Ifa Òrìshà readings. With a team of experienced and knowledgeable Ifa Òrìshà practitioners, offers personalized readings that can provide you with valuable guidance for your life’s journey. The Importance […]

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How to Perform a Spiritual Tarot Reading

Introduction Welcome to our guide on performing a spiritual Tarot reading! Whether you are new to Tarot or have some experience, this article will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to perform a spiritual Tarot reading. Tarot cards have been used for centuries as a tool for divination and self-reflection. By incorporating a spiritual […]

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Characteristics of vulture

Characteristics of vulture Vultures do not copulate, but the female reproduces without male assistance. Vultures can live for 100 years. == Vulture warns of greedy and aggressive individuals; a user. Buzzard characterizes a gloating nature; one who stands in wait to pick over what’s left.The vulture is a member of the raptor family, but unlike most raptors…

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