Author: Ifa

Is Your Problem Beyond Medical Explanation? Are you struggling with an issue that defies medical logic? 🤔”Consider a Spiritual Solution_”

Sometimes, the root cause of our problems lies beyond the physical realm. Our spiritual solutions can help you:

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Irete Ofun Odu Ifa

Irete ofun speaks about blessings related to having children in your future. Ifa mentions it may first be necessary for you to settle in a place other than the one you are currently at. The new place will bring blessings of longevity of a positive and compatible matrimony blessed with children. Be mindful of being…

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Baba Ejiogbe Meji Odu Ifa

This article provides information about the Odu Ifa known as Ejiogbe, which may also be referred to as Baba Ejiogbe, Eji Ogbe, Ogbe Meji and Eyiogbe. Baba ejiogbe meji odu is the first one of the 16 Meji or 16 principle Odu. The information provided here applies to the person to which this odu was…

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Iwori Meji Odu Ifa – Human Consciousness

Iwori Meji Odu Ifa speaks about human consciousness and how it plays a vital part in our journey towards creating good character Iwa Pele. Having good character is a positive trait that is very important to the continued development of ourselves as individuals and important when interacting with others. Our consciousness helps us to be…

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Who Is Esu pt 1?

Why is Esu important in the ebo process?Esu, Elegbara or Esu Odara helps out with our prayers, offerings, and sacrifices. It’s Esu who checks out all the rituals laid out by Ifa. Once they’re done, it’s Esu who delivers the ebo to the right Orisa or spot. Ebo is super important in our lives. It…

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Who Is Esu Elegbara?

Who is Esu Elegbara?Esu Elegbara is the Orisa of all marginal worlds, crossroads (Orita meta, Orita meerin), marketplace, and entrance to compounds. Esu is the deity that governs all doors or forms of communication. Esu Elegbara sees and records all that happens in the universe and has a close relationship with Orisa Orunmila. During every…

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What Is An Ancestral Roots Divination?

What Is an Ancestral Roots Divination?A roots divination reading is an in-depth investigation where you are guided through the system of Ifa. It answers the questions of who, what, how, and where your ancestors derived from. Under the guidance of IFA, your divination from your ancestors and the professionally licensed Priest. You will learn how…

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