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Is Your Problem Beyond Medical Explanation? Are you struggling with an issue that defies medical logic? 🤔”Consider a Spiritual Solution_”

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Spiritual significant of vulture


Spiritual significant of vulture

The Vulture is a promise that all hardship was temporary and necessary for a higher purpose. 

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Once a Vulture enters your life as a totem or guide, it will remain with you for life.

Vultures live and work together, both in cooperation and friendliness. 

They communicate with friends and neighbors when they find something to eat. 

They let the others know where the food is. And when there is a big feast they communicate with neighboring flocks in distant roosts.

 The Vulture is the avenger of nature spirits.

This Article is written by Voodoo Magic (Ogun Todaju) Love Spell (whatsapp +15852363414) For spiritual guidance…We also sell spiritual product for wealth, protection and Open doors.

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