Author: Ifa

Is Your Problem Beyond Medical Explanation? Are you struggling with an issue that defies medical logic? 🤔”Consider a Spiritual Solution_”

Sometimes, the root cause of our problems lies beyond the physical realm. Our spiritual solutions can help you:

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Twins family, their name and meaning in Yoruba

Twins family, their name and meaning in Yoruba  Baba ibeji……… Twins fatherIya ibeji………….Twins motherIya ibeta……….Triple’s motherBaba Ibeta……..Triple’s fatherIbeta…………….TripletOmo meji /ibeji /ejire (eji ore)Kedunwa = A child born before a set of twins. (this name is given after the birth of a set of twin)Taiwo = The first child of a set of twin/ tripletKehinde =…

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Names In Yoruba Land

Names In Yoruba Land  Yoruba names are much more than mere identification tags, much more than mere “luggage labels”; each has a reason (a) for being just what it is; and (b) for being given to a particular individual. Yoruba names embody circumstances of birth, history, family, religion, or some other equally pertinent facts relevant to…

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Spiritual work using cat eye – Oju olongbo

Iba agba oUses of Oju olongbo (cat eyes) Die Lara iwulo ESO oju olongbo, 1: Ifunra (body__Teller)Ao mun ESO oju olongbo kan, ESO olonsepetu kan na, (opa_esu), omo Atare kan, Ao lo papo Ao fi singbere kan soso sii Aya…. 2.. Eyonu {Favor}ESO oju olongbo mesan 9Omo Atare mesan 9, Ao lo papo Ao fii singbere EJIOGBE…

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Who Is Orisa Of Wealth Aje Pt 1

Iba Olodumare ,Iba IFA, Iba Egungun, Iba Ori, Iba Aje Iba Orisa. Who Is Orisa Aje?IFA is the first African Spirituality practiced by the Yoruba people of West African Nigeria. Orisa Aje is feminine energy. In West African Orisa and Goddess Aje is the Orisa who strongly reinforces the power of wealth, economics, financial business,…

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