Tags: Dream

Is Your Problem Beyond Medical Explanation? Are you struggling with an issue that defies medical logic? 🤔”Consider a Spiritual Solution_”

Sometimes, the root cause of our problems lies beyond the physical realm. Our spiritual solutions can help you:

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Difference between death and sleep

Difference between death and sleep  There are no much difference between death and sleep because both death and sleep are brothers.  They are so difficult to identify and understand but We will give you a clear difference between death and sleepWhen you sleep, your soul leaves the body and goes into another world and realm…

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Vomiting Spiritual work

Vomiting Spiritual work  This article is for someone out there who is having this issue.There are some people any time they eat spiritual work ,they would vomit it. This kind of thing is not ordinary and physical and it’s not everyone that knows what it is.When We was in school, it has happened to me…

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The dark phase of Life

The dark phase of Life This phase is in every person that is destiny for greatness in one little way or big way.This is the phase where you have done everything possible from your end, you have visited spiritualist and babalawo for all sort of things . After doing the right thing you are supposed…

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Do not take revenge by Yourself

Do not take revenge by Yourself  Yes, there is no point in taking revenge by yourself because doing so would tarnish your spiritual image.OLODUMARE has created things , spirits and ORISA for different purpose.You can’t say because you have Power and then decide to use the power to do evil, you can’t except you are…

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You don’t need OSHOLE

You don’t need OSHOLE We have checked the internet and We have seen a lot of this spiritual work called OSHOLE and it seems everyone is money hungry wanting to make money without doing anything.People don’t even care if they could have the money for just a day and die the following day.Death is easy…

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Many people have been used in 2023

Many people have been used in 2023 Have done a lots of consultation for a lot of people in this year and We have come to see that a lot have been used .Many have been used by their Family member who is rich and would never help them no matter how much they tried,…

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