Tags: Òrìshà

Is Your Problem Beyond Medical Explanation? Are you struggling with an issue that defies medical logic? 🤔”Consider a Spiritual Solution_”

Sometimes, the root cause of our problems lies beyond the physical realm. Our spiritual solutions can help you:

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Why does Eshu have two faces?

Why does Eshu have two faces? ESU have more than two face depending on the role he wants to play at the moment .He can be there to show you road to success guiding you and helping you make the right decision.ESU will also deal with you badly if you embark on a bad behaviour,…

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Oriki ile ife

ILE IFE Ife ooye lagboOmo olodo kan oteereOmo olodo kan otaaraOdo to san wereke,to san werekeTo dehinkunle oshinle to dabataTo dehinkunle adelawe to dokunOnikee ko gbodo bu muAbabaja won ko gbodo BuweOgedegede onisoboro ni yio mu omi do naa gbeSoboro mi wumi,eje ki ibi dandan maa ba alabeWon kii duro ki wa nife ooni,won kii…

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This is just a picture highlightsThis Article is written by Voodoo Magic (Ogun Todaju) Love Spell (whatsapp +449132963276) For spiritual guidance…We also sell spiritual product for wealth, protection and Open doors. Posted by:Am Voodoo Magic (Ogun Todaju) Love Spell | Spiritual Traveler | Spiritual Healer | For Divination, Consultation, Spiritual growth, and guidance Contact whatsapp https://wa.me/2349132963276 Post a Comment

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Vulture and other Orisa

Vulture and other Orisa  Although a repulsive-looking and bad-smelling bird, the vulture has long been held in high regard by ancient cultures. Vulture claws were said to detect poisons in food and drink. This bird was considered to be prophetic, knowing beforehand the site of battles. The vulture has been associated with the Great Mother for thousands of…

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Is IFA divination real?

Is IFA divination real? The answer to this question is Yes.Ifa doesn’t lie or give false divination.IFA predicts correctly what will happen in your life at certain stage of your Life except the day you are going to die.If you are still having doubts about IFA ,wait till you experience it .This Article is written…

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How do I appease Esu?

How do I appease Esu? To feed or appease ESU is a very simple task. It’s not what you can do on your own, you would need a babalawo to do it for you.ESU is a strict ORISA with his own rule, the reason why many times people feed and appease ESU and yet nothing…

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The word YORUBA and it’s long history

THE NAME ‘YORUBA’ by Professor Stephen Akintoye A curious debate is going on about the group name of the Yoruba nation, the name ‘Yoruba’. All sorts of strange and fanciful things are being said about this name. Also, many people are calling on me to intervene in the debate. I therefore hereby intervene. But I…

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