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Yoruba names that has to do with your star and where you are born


Yoruba names that has to do with your star and where you are born

Another names are those or the types the star with ‘a bi’ meaning ‘born to’

Abiola =Born during the time of a festival.

Abiola = Born into wealth

Abiona = Born on the road

Abioye = Born after the installation as a chief or a king

Abidemi = Born before the arrival of the father.

Abidekun = The last born ( No child is born after the child)

Abodunrin = Born when a festival is approaching.

Note; These names are unisex names.

This Article is written by Voodoo Magic (Ogun Todaju) Love Spell (whatsapp +449132963276) For spiritual guidance…We also sell spiritual product for wealth, protection and Open doors.

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