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Must Know: 7 Myths About Babalawo And Iyanifa

Aboru Aboye, (Geeting) most people after watching movies, dramas… have wrong impressions about Babalawo, Iyanifa and African Tradition Religion. I’m here to correct those myths and expose you to the truth:


Most people think and feel that whenever they call “Jesus” or use the name of Jesus to pray on a Babalawo or Iyanifas, him or her will fall on the ground, struck by fire… This is nothing but a myth. Babalawos doesnt fall or get struck by fire or act weird whenever Jesus is called upon them during prayers by Christians. Don’t let nollywood fool you. In real life, some of us even accompany pastors to their churches to plant church growth charms, commanding charms, do as I say charms, hypnotic charms… inside the church were Jesus is prayed to every Sunday. We dont worship Jesus because Jesus is our friend. So how can you worship your friend?


Most people think and feel that Babalawos and Iyanifas shouldn’t be using the internet. These people also feel or think Babalawos and Iyanifas should be internet illitrate. I totally disagree with this because this is nothing but a myth. I’m a Babalawo and We have more than hundred Babalawos and Iyanifas friends who are on social networks like facebook and instagram. They are posting photos and videos of their ebos, charms, initiations… on social network. There is no Odu Ifa that forbids Babalawos and Iyanifas from using the internet.


When there is human ritual killing, fingers are always pointed at Babalawos and Iyanifas. Most people think and feel that Babalawos and Iyanifas are into human rituals. I totally disagree with this because this is nothing but a myth. Yes, blood sacrifice plays a very important role in our religion but certainly not human blood. Babalawos and Iyanifas are law abiding citizens, we don’t participate in human ritual killings. The Orisas don’t accept human sacrifice; they only accept animal and fruits sacrifice.



Most people think and feel that Babalawos stays in the forest. Babalawos in Cities are not powerful compared to Babalawos staying in the forest. I totally disagree with this because this is nothing but a myth. Yes, we do go to the forest to gather herbs, carry out initiations, evocations… but most of us don’t stay in the forest. We stay in Cities, Towns, Villages… and live happily with our neighbors. We are our brothers keeper, we are good neighbors and we are very generous. If you live close to a Babalawo, you will never be hungry again because we share our food and meat to our neighbors before or after ebo. Babalawos location doesn’t make him powerful. Location doesn’t determine how powerful a Babalawo is. Please take note!

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Most people think and feel that Babalawos and Iyanifas must be poor. Babalawos signed pact with elders of the night or with their Orisas never to be rich and wealthy. I totally disagree with this because this is nothing but a myth. Babalawos wealth and riches determine his worth. Babalawos whose medicines, charms, ebos…. are effective and potent get lots of material gifts like lands, houses, cars… from his clients as thanksgiving and these material gifts are Babalawos wealth. There is no Odu Ifa that forbids Babalawos and Iyanifas not to be rich. Infact, the Odu Ifa have several itans of rich and wealthy Babalawos like Ejiogbe who was the king of the day, Oyeku who was the king of the night, Iwori who was the king of the night and day….

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Most people think and feel that a Babalawo must be an old man. The older a Babalawo is; the more powerful he is. I totally disagree with this because this is nothing but a myth. Old age has nothing to do with how powerful a Babalawo is. Imagine an old Awo who started IFA training with a non relative Babalawo at 40 years and started practicing at 60 and a young Awo who started IFA training at 13 years with his parent and started practicing at 27 years. In cases like this, the young Awo who learnt IFA training under his parents guidance will be more skilled than the old Awo because his parents will teach him everything and will not hide anything from him. There are certain things money can not buy and this is one of those things.


Most people think and feel that a Babalawo must rob one of his eye with Iyerosun to clairvoyantly see. I totally disagree with this because this is nothing but a myth. You don’t clairvoyantly see with your physical eyes; you see with your third eye which has nothing to do with your physical eyes. The third eye is a spiritual sense organ while the physical eye is a physical sense organ. Both physical and spiritual sense organs are totally different. A client once asked me “Baba, why didn’t you rob the white stuff around your eye before consulting IFA?” I just smiled and said “it is not necessary” .

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