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Consult IFA HMHP Inc Nominated Finalist Selected By The Non Profit Trinity Awards

This year Consult IFA HMHP Inc Institution just found out that Consult IFA HMHP ( Healing Mentorship Humanitarian Programs) Inc has been nominated as a finalist for The Non-Profit Trinity Awards held in August 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

For over four years Consult IFA HMHP Board, Administration, And Volunteers have devoted time, hard work, and positive energy to the communities within Atlanta, GA, areas, and various states within the US.

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Consult IFA HMHP Inc Organisation provides IFA African Cultural Lecture Education mentorship programs, IFA Consultation Spiritual Healing Services, & IFA Programs to help find a way to heal and solve problems within communities for Institutions such as Elementary Schools, Universities, Correctional facilities, and Outreach Feeding The Community Programs within the USA. “We were shocked! It’s a great honour to be recognised for the hard work and services that non-profit organisations provide,” says CEO Iyanifa Ifamena. We started small, and through determination to improve the conditions of our communities, we are growing in moderation. Once you plant a seed, keep watering it, and take good care, it will flourish.”

Consult IFA HMHP also provides online educational mentorship programs which cater to youth and adults in further learning about the importance of ancestors, Iwa pele (good character), Ori (mind) health, career destiny, marriage, family, life cycles etc.

The Non-profit Trinity Awards is an annual event directed by Linda Brooks Horton and her team of professional board members The Nonprofit Trinity Awards, Inc. Their mission is to support, recognise and honour small nonprofit organisations and outstanding individual volunteers for their resilient work, passionate commitment, and exceptional service within their respective communities.

If you would like to support or vote for ConsultIFÁ please visit: https://www.nonprofittrinityawards.org/mission

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Consult IFA HMHP Inc will also be providing lecture programs at Clayton County, Fulton, Dekalb

Libraries and more within Atlanta, Georgia, areas. For more information on how Consult IFA IFA Educators can provide lecture programs in your institution, school, University, or Correctional facility please log into www.consultifa.com or contact Consult IFA Office


email: [email protected]

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