Ancient Yoruba Calendar (Kojoda) and how to calculate
The Yoruba calendar (Kojoda) year starts from 3 June to 2 June of the following year.
According to this calendar, the Gregorian year 2008 A. D. is the 10050th year of Yoruba culture.
The traditional Yoruba week has four days.
The 4 days that are dedicated to the Orisa goes as follow:
Day 1 is dedicated to Obatala (Sopanna, Iyaami, and the Egungun)
Day 2 is dedicated to Orunmila (Esu and Osun) *
Day 3 is dedicated to Ogun (Osoosi)
Day 4 is dedicated to Sango (Oya)
To reconcile with the Gregorian calendar, Yoruba people also measure time in seven days a week and four weeks a month.
The four day calendar was dedicated to the Orisas and the seven day calendar is for doing business.
The seven days are:
Ojo-Aiku (Sunday),
Ojo-Aje (Monday),
Ojo-Ishegun (Tuesday),
Ojo-Riru (Wednesday),
Ojo-Bo/Alamisi (Thursday),
Ojo-Eti (Friday) and
Ojo-Abameta (Saturday).
Time is measured in isheju (minutes),
wakati (hours), ojo (days), ose (weeks), oshu (months) and odun (years).
There are 60 (ogota) isheju in 1 (okan) wakati; 24 (merinlelogun) wakati in 1 ojo; 7 (meje) ojo in 1 ose; 4 (merin) ose in 1 oshu and 52 (ejileladota)ose in 1 (okan) odun.
There are 12 (mejila) oshu in 1 (okan) odun.
This Article is written by Voodoo Magic (Ogun Todaju) Love Spell (whatsapp +449132963276) For spiritual guidance…We also sell spiritual product for wealth, protection and Open doors.