Author: Ifa

Is Your Problem Beyond Medical Explanation? Are you struggling with an issue that defies medical logic? 🤔”Consider a Spiritual Solution_”

Sometimes, the root cause of our problems lies beyond the physical realm. Our spiritual solutions can help you:

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Oko Orisha: Guardian of Farming, Fertility & Bountiful Harvests

Orisha Oko, a lesser-known but deeply revered deity in the Yoruba religion, holds dominion over agriculture and fertility. Rooted in ancient traditions that stretch back centuries in West Africa, this powerful entity embodies the life-giving aspects of the earth, influencing both crop growth and human fertility. In an era where modernity often overshadows tradition, understanding…

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African Creation Myths: Overview, Diverse Origins & Beliefs

African Creation Myths are diverse stories from different cultures that explain how the world began, focusing on nature and supernatural force, playing a vital role in highlighting the continent’s rich cultural diversity and heritage. These stories, which have been shared through generations, provide a window into the varied traditions and societies that exist across Africa.…

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Oduduwa Orisha: Creator Deity King Myth in Yoruba Culture

The legacy and history of Oduduwa remain pivotal in understanding the cultural and political landscape of certain regions. Often revered as a deity and a progenitor, Oduduwa’s influence stretches across myths, governance, and the social fabric of his descendants. This exploration delves into the origins, contributions, and lasting impact of Oduduwa on his people and…

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11 African Goddesses Associated With Motherhood & Fertility

Key Takeaways Understanding the Roles: African goddesses like Mawu-Lisa and Isis play a crucial role in symbolizing motherhood and fertility, highlighting the importance of these aspects in various African cultures. This shows how deeply motherhood and fertility are revered across different societies. Cultural Significance: Each goddess, from Yemoja to Oshun, carries unique stories and teachings…

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IFA says, to overcome any personal challenge, effort must be made to remain patient, humble, discrete and silent to be able to handle things that bring us to victory. In order words, we should always try to maintain peace and harmony which will consequently attract the necessary vibration that lead to solution. No one attains…

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When we set out to learn something, most of the time we do so because that thing is important and necessary to our lives; and we need to practise to become more and more accomplished at the activity. Same is true of our spiritual pursuits and in particular the way we build our relationship with…

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OGBE OGUNDA OR OGBE EGUNTAN I——–I I——–I I——–I II——-I The Odu speaks of victory, success, happiness and joy immediately after difficulties, problems, personal challenges, lack of childbearing, poverty and sickness have been conquered. OGBE OGUNDA could mean OGBE EGUNTAN or OGBE EGUNTAN LORI ENI or LORI AWO meaning, light, wisdom, victory, success, prosperity, blessing and childbearing…

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ENERGY Good morning.                                                                                                        …

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