Author: Ifa

Is Your Problem Beyond Medical Explanation? Are you struggling with an issue that defies medical logic? 🤔”Consider a Spiritual Solution_”

Sometimes, the root cause of our problems lies beyond the physical realm. Our spiritual solutions can help you:

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Why does Eshu have two faces?

Why does Eshu have two faces? ESU have more than two face depending on the role he wants to play at the moment .He can be there to show you road to success guiding you and helping you make the right decision.ESU will also deal with you badly if you embark on a bad behaviour,…

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Why is Eshu important?

Why is Eshu important? Eshu is important because you can’t do anything in the spiritual realm involving other Orisa without the consent of ESU .ESU is like the messenger, he would deliver your request to OLODUMARE and collect authority and come back with the answer which ESU would then take to the Orisa involved who…

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Ancient Oyo settlement

Ancient Oyo settlement Old Oyo Sites & Migrations :1. Ọ́YỌ́KORO .– aboriginal Oyo originally ruled by Oloyokoro Egboro. Later overruled by Oranmiyan as Aláàfin, above the Oloyokoro (not abolished). Also tagged Onílẹ́, to emphasise his superiority over Oloyokoro in the hegemony. Aláàfin later moved on.2. Ọ̀YỌ́ OKO– founded by Aláàfin Oranmiyan who later went back…

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Untold History and Story of ORISA SANGO

History and Story of ORISA SANGO  Ṣango (known as Changó or Xangô in Latin America; and also known as Jakuta) is an Orisha. He is syncretized with Saint Barbara in Santeria of South America.Ṣango is historically a royal ancestor of the Yoruba as he was the third Alafin (king: owner of the palace) of the…

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Warnings and lesson to learn about vulture

Warnings and lesson to learn about vulture * If Vulture has flown across your path: You are being asked to be patient with yourself and think things through. Take your time before making decisions and choose paths that support your higher consciousness.** If Vulture is your Animal Totem: You know how to use your own…

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Myth and Secret about Vulture

Myths and Secrets: One of the oldest totems of the Great Mother in Egypt was the vulture, eater of the dead.  Vultures who devoured corpses were regarded as her angels of death, since they carried the dead piecemeal to heaven.Ancient Iranians didn’t bury their dead, but exposed them to vultures in open-topped “towers of silence”…

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Superstition about vulture

Superstition about vulture Superstitions: Vultures have long been thought of as birds of divination. They never kill their prey, but, rather, devour abandoned corpses. Because of this practice, they are held an omen of coming death. Vulture has the ability to “smell” death as much as three days in advance. Hence, should it hover over a house,…

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Yoruba believe about vulture

Yoruba believe about vulture Ancient Yoruba believed the Vulture was the encompassing overall non-separated union between the day and night. Ironically, regardless of the less than good image the vulture is typically granted by most.Great messengers of legend were always very joyful when a vulture appeared upon any action. For it is a creature the least hurtful…

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